Reflection of last year

The original objective of the realization of my teaching practices had a uniquely academic sense of approval of the subject, which gradually became a source of learning. I take advantage of every knowledge learned and incorporated. From the first observation of which I was a part, I began to become aware of the amount of things that I can learn from observation, which has no comparison to reading, since it is the experience itself.

                                                              Resultado de imagen para frases en ingles sobre la escuela
The activities I proposed to the students were always based on the topics that the English teacher of the course offered me. As it was the end of the year, the contents that she proposed were always about topics they had already seen. From the pedagogical perspective, I believe that the objectives were met. The students reviewed the contents differently than they were used to. Since during the year they used a book with practice activities, with less variety of teaching resources.
In my opinion, the activities were significant for the students, as long as they always tried to incorporate knowledge through play and creativity.

                                                           Resultado de imagen para phrases about education

 The students showed their knowledge, their desire to participate and their joy to know that they could take each activity carried out to their home, and show them to their respective families.

To develop this experience, it was necessary to make some changes in my way of thinking about the activities, since it was difficult for me to find a connection between them. In addition, I had to develop tools that invite students to pay attention again. It was my first time teaching young children, so I was afraid that they would get upset and not be able to control them. However, applying techniques that they already known to return to calm was an exellent idea. I should also raise my tone of voice, since I am used to speaking low.

From this experience, I learned how to carry out activities according to their age, the domination of a group and how to prepare the teaching materials.

If I had the opportunity to do this practice again, I would ask someone to film with constancy, maybe I would buy something only to record that is not the cell phone, since the lack of space made the English teacher of the course only record small parts. In addition, the rules that were set at the beginning were not respected, because she was not the one who was going to film. I just had the opportunity to see the filming at the end of my practices, because they were not on my cell phone. So, I did not know how the class had been recorded.

This experience will influence my future jobs as a teacher, since I will be better at planning activities and will be able to face projects with greater security and confidence.
This project was significant for me, since it was many days of hard work. When getting the late approval of being able to do the practices in that place, it was all very close and in a short time. So I spent several nights without sleep to finish with the planning and the preparation of the teaching materials. I am satisfied with the classes I prepare, because I take the smiles of all the students, because they had fun while they learned.
Personally I felt very nervous during all my practices, since the fact of being observed in addition to being filmed at times made it hard for me to pay attention. I think it would have been better if I hadn't felt all that pressure.
The fact of accepting the opinions of other teachers has to do with our training, so  every suggestion is for learning and continue growing.
Finally, I think it would have been easier if there had been more help to find a school and if I have started the practices in timely manner. Since due to my work schedules, going school by school asking where they accepted me, it cost me a lot. However, despite all the implications, it was worth giving my all to see the happy faces of the children when doing the activities, and to retire from the institution with a backpack full of new learning.

                                        Resultado de imagen para phrases about education


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